WEBSITE: The 3.11 Japanese Teaching Materials Project (Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies)

アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センター [Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies],  311日本語教材プロジェクト [San ichi ichi nihongo kyōzai purojekuto] accessed February 20, 2015, The 311 Japanese Teaching Materials Project is an educational resource that allows students to learn about 3.11 and its societal impacts while practicing their Japanese language skills. Created

WEBSITE: Project “Sending Books to the Children of Iwaki” [震災復興支援 in FUKUSHIMA -いわきの子供たちに本を送る-]

Project “Sending Books to the Children of Iwaki”: (accessed February 28, 2015) This website features an archive of correspondence – email, postal, and pictorial – between the participants of an ongoing project to send books to the children of Iwaki City. Iwaki


Editors’ Note: This is a Chinese translation of a Teach 3.11 annotation. We invite volunteers to translate and/or contribute content in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. Thank you. 編輯的話: 本文為本站已發表的英文摘要之中文翻譯,我們誠摯地邀請有志者協助我們翻譯或撰寫韓文,日文,或中文的摘要。謝謝。 書本章節:「起始與暫緩: 國民黨,科學,與科技」(Greene, 2008) Greene, J. Megan. 2008. “Starts and Stops: