Books and articles

Aldrich, D.P. 2008. Site fights: Divisive Facilities and Civil Society in Japan and the West. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. [Japanese]

Atwater, Brian F. et al. The Orphan Tsunami of 1700: Japanese Clues to a Parent Earthquake in North America. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper, 1707. Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey; Seattle: In Association with University of Washington Press, 2005.

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DiMoia, John. “Atoms for Sale? Cold War Institution-Building and the South Korean Atomic Energy Project, 1945-1965.” Technology and Culture 51 (2010): 589-618. DOI: 10.1353/tech.2010.0021

Dusinberre, M & Aldrich, D.P. (2011). Hatoko comes home: Civil society and nuclear power in Japan. Journal of Asian Studies, 70 (3), 638-705.

Edgington, David W. 2010. Reconstructing Kobe: The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity. University of British Columbia Press. [Korean]

Energy and Climate Policy Research Institute (South Korea) ed. 2011. Tal-Haek: Post-Fukushima wa Energy Jeonwhan Sidae-eui Nonri탈핵: 포스트 후쿠시마와 에너지 전환 시대의 논리 [Getting Off of Nuclear: Post-Fukushima and the Logic of Energy Transformation] Seoul: Imagine.

Greene, J. Megan. 2008. “Starts and Stops,” The Origins of the Developmental State in Taiwan, 14-46. Harvard University Press. [Chinese]

Hamblin, Jacob Darwin. 2006. “‘A Dispassionate and Objective Effort:’ Negotiating the First Study on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation.”Journal of the History of Biology. 40 (1): 147-177.

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Jasanoff, Sheila, and Sang-Hyun Kim. 2010. “Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea.” Minerva 47 (2): 119-146.

Juraku, Kohta, Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Osamu Sakura. 2007. “Social Decision-making Processes in Local Contexts: An STS Case Study on Nuclear Power Plant Siting in Japan.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1 (1): 53-75.

Karan, Pradyumna and Unryu Suganuma, eds. 2008. Local Environmental Movements: A Comparative Study of the United States and Japan. University Press of Kentucky.

Kim, Boumsoung 金凡性. 2007. Meiji · Taishō no Nihon no Jishingaku: “Rōkaru · Saiensu” wo Koete. 明治・大正の日本の地震学―「ローカル・サイエンス」を超えて [Beyond Local Science: The Evolution of Japanese Seismology during the Meiji and Taisho Eras]. Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai 東京大学出版会 [Tokyo University Press].

Kim, Seong-Jun. 2009. “Technology Transfer behind a Diplomatic Struggle: Reappraisal of South Korea’s Nuclear Fuel Project in the 1970s.” Historia Scientiarum. 19(2) [Special issue entitled “Beyond Differences: International Comparison on Nuclear Histories in Japan, Korea, and the United States”]

Kirby, Peter Wynn. Troubled Natures: Waste, Environment, Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2011.

Lakoff, Andrew, ed. 2010. Disaster and the Politics of Intervention. Columbia University Press/SSRC.

Lindee, Susan. Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima. Chicago University Press, 1997. [Japanese]

Nelson, Craig. 2011. “‘The Energy of a Bright Tomorrow’: The Rise of Nuclear Power in Japan.” Origins 4 (9) (June).

Perrow, Charles. 1984, 1999. Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies. Princeton University Press. [Korean]

Petryna, Adriana. 2011. “Chernobyl’s survivors: Paralyzed by fatalism or overlooked by science?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 67 (2): 30 -37. Purei fō japan dotto jēpī. PRAY FOR JAPAN: santen’ichiichi sekaijū ga inorihajimeta hi. PRAY FOR JAPAN: 3.11世界中が祈りはじめた日. Kōdansha. 講談社, 2011.

Sasamoto, Yukuo. 笹本征男. 1995. Beikoku senryôka no genbaku chôsa—Genbaku kagaikoku ni natta Nihon. 米軍占領下の原爆調査―原爆加害国になった日本 [Atomic Bomb Surveys Under American Occupation: How Japan Became a Nuclear Aggressor]. Shinkansha. 新幹社.

Sasamoto, Yukuo. 2005. “The Bikini Incident and Radiation Surveys.” In A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan: Road to Self-reliance, 1952-1959, edited by Shigeru Nakayama, Kunio Gotō, and Hitoshi Yoshioka, 125-143. Trans Pacific Press.

Smits, Gregory. 2011. “Danger in the Lowground: Historical Context for the March 11, 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami.” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 9 (20), May 16. [Korean]

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Yoshioka, Hitoshi. 1999. “Technology versus Commercial Feasibility: Nuclear Power and Electric Utilities.” In Science, Technology And Society In Contemporary Japan, edited by Morris Low, Shigeru Nakayama, and Hitoshi Yoshioka, 66-81. Cambridge University Press.

Yoshioka, Hitoshi 吉岡斉. 1999. Genshiryoku no shakaishi: sono Nihon-teki tenkai. 原子力の社会史―その日本的展開 [A Social History of Nuclear Power: Its Development in Japan] Asahi Shinbunsha. 朝日新聞社.

Yoshioka, Hitoshi. 2005. “Forming a Nuclear Regime and Introducing Commercial Reactors,” and “Nuclear Power Research and the Scientists’ Role.” In A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan: Road to Self-reliance, 1952-1959, edited by Shigeru Nakayama, Kunio Gotō, and Hitoshi Yoshioka, 80-124. Trans Pacific Press.

Yoshioka, Hitoshi. 2006. “Future Plans for Nuclear Physics Research,” “The Rise of Nuclear Fusion Research,” “The Development and Utilization of Nuclear Reactors.” In A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan: Volume 4: High Economic Growth Period, 1960-1969, edited by Shigeru Nakayama and Hitoshi Yoshioka, 189-273. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.

Multimedia: Films, websites, etc.

Boyce, Angie. 2011. Educational Module: Understanding the International Nuclear Event Scale../teach311/category/source-medium/web-resources/

British Pathé. 1957. Atom Fear Stirs Japan. Video, from British Pathé video film archive,

British Pathé. 1957. Jap Protest. Video, from British Pathé video film archive,

British Pathé. 1962. Ban The Bomb Demonstration in Tokyo. Video, from British Pathé video film archive,

Curtis, Adam. 1992. A is for Atom, Google video, 45:51 min, accessed Apr 24, 2011, from

Dōryokuro Kakunenryō kaihatsu jigyōdan 動力炉・核燃料開発事業団 [Japan Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation]. 1993. Tayoreru Nakama Purūtokun: Purutoniyumu Monogatari 頼れる仲間プルト君 —プルトニウム物語 [Trust your Friend Pluto-kun: A Plutonium Story]. YouTube video, 10: 52, posted by “chiniasobu,” Mar 28, 2011,

Hachiya, Kazuhiko. 2011. Unchi, Onara de Tatoeru Genpatsu Kaisetsu: Onaka ga Itakunatta Genpatsu-kun. うんち・おならで例える原発解説〜おなかがいたくなった原発くん [Explaining the Nuclear Accident with Farts and Poop – Nuclear Reactor Boy’s Upset Stomach]. YouTube video, 4:34 min, posted by GenkiRadio, Mar 16, 2011,

Kamanaka, Hitomi. 2010. Ashes to Honey. Group Gendai.

NHK. 1995. Genpatsu Dōnyū Shinario Reisenka no Tainichi Genshiryoku Senryaku 原発導入シナリオ ~冷戦下の対日原子力戦略 [Cold War Scenarios for Introducing Nuclear Energy to Japan]. YouTube video, 45 min, posted by “naga2218,” Mar 27, 2011,

Nichiei Kagaku Eiga Seisakujo. 日映科学映画製作所 [Nichiei Science Film Production]. 1985. Fukushima no Genshiryoku. 福島の原子力 [Nuclear Power of Fukushima]. YouTube video, 27:00, posted originally by “habingo2,” April 02, 2011, part 1:, part 2: (Japanese). English subtitled version by Kudakwashe Mutenda and Keiko Nishimura, posted by “collabo311.” 13 September 2011. 
Part 1:, Part 2:

Röhl, Nicholas. 1995. Kakusareta Hibaku Rōdō: Nihon no Genpatsu Rōdōsha. 隠された被曝労働 – 日本の原発労働者 物語 [Nuclear Ginza]. YouTube video, 30 min, posted by “aikoku369”, Mar 30, 2011, from

Tokyo Modern I: Koizumi Kishio’s “100 Views” of the Imperial Capital (1928-1940), available at:

United States War Department. 1946. Tale of Two Cities. YouTube video, 12: 03 min, posted by “nuclearvault,” Sep 5, 2009,

Urbano, Carl, John Sutherland Productions. 1953. A is for Atom, YouTube video, 15 min, posted by “nuclearvault,” Jul 30, 2009,