논문: Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems (2014)

  Farías, Ignacio. “Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.” The Sociological Review 62, S1 (2014): 61-87. 이 논문은 2010년 2월 27일 밤 칠레에서 발생한 쓰나미 경보시스템의 실패를 둘러싼 논쟁을 다루고 있다. 특히 쓰나미가 칠레 해안가의

ARTICLE: Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems (2014)

  Farías, Ignacio. 2014. “Misrecognizing Tsunamis: Ontological Politics and Cosmopolitical Challenges in Early Warning Systems.” The Sociological Review 62, S1: 61-87. This article examines the debates around the failure of the warning system for the tsunami that occurred in Chile

WEBSITE: Earthquake School in the Cloud: Citizen Seismologists in Taiwan [台灣地震學園]

“Earthquake School in the Cloud: Citizen seismologists in Taiwan.” Accessed December 07, 2014. http://.wix.com/earthquake-school. “Taiwan dizhen xueyuan (台灣地震學園).” Accessed December 07, 2014.  http://katepili2003.wix.com/future-eq-school.   This Taiwan-based website is a resource platform that provides games and stories to educate citizens about seismology,