Remembering the Night of Noah: Flood Memory and Townsville’s Floods of 1998 and 2019 :: Rohan Lloyd (Australia)


Teaching with 3.11 in the Present

Teaching with 3.11 in the Present Aleksandra Kobiljski Editors’ Note: The current global health crisis has called us to reflect upon the role of digital pedagogical tools for facilitating empathetic learning about disasters in history. Our ability to create new

The Sidoarjo Mudflow and the Muddiness of Environmental Disaster :: Anto Mohsin (Qatar) is pleased to introduce the inaugural essay of the “Terms of Disaster” collection. This essay collection, co-curated with Arcadia, examines the historical setting and re-setting of the conditions and context of disaster due to human language and word choices. We’ll be posting more essays soon, so

本:日本はなぜ原発を輸出するのか (2014)

